In a world where global warming is becoming an absolute emergency, where heat waves will increase, as will the floods and pollution peaks that accompany them, our urban environments must be profoundly reinvented.
We want to show, through all of our projects, that landscape and nature offer pragmatic answers for a quality, sustainable and peaceful living environment.
Land’Act became involved very early on in the issue of territorial resilience through NBAS*, understanding nature as a powerful and frugal resource that allows cities to become more resilient in the face of climate disruption.
Aware of the responsibilities incumbent on our profession and of the difficulties in matching this urgency with the means allocated to landscape projects, we are obliged to constantly reexamine ourselves, to look elsewhere, in order to integrate into our projects the most innovative and sustainable solutions, but also the most adapted to the greatest number of our citizens.
*Nature-based Adaptation Solutions
Notion promoted by the ADEME: “The NBAS can correspond for example to actions of vegetation in the city, restoration or preservation of wetlands, implementation of agroecological practices, designed to meet the challenges of climate change, as well as an objective of preserving biodiversity.