Living heart of the city, iconic image of Gabon
Graft of life integrated into the existing urban fabric, served by public transport, accessible to motorized vehicles as well as cycles and priority pedestrians on the site.
Respecting the traditions and the shared well-being, with the implementation of different facilities dedicated to all types of population, ranging from the most urban to the most natural, from the most functional to the most playful.

Ecological continuity and self-purification
The two rivers of Libreville, Awondo and Arambo conduct the waters of the watersheds upstream of the national. In order to obtain a healthy treatment of banks and beaches, plant self-purification is put in place to promote the development of an aquatic fauna.

The Main Axis
Extension of the Triumphal Field, it leads naturally the visitor to the giant tree, tree of life whose day and night radiance focuses the view and induces an exceptional image marking the Gabonese identity. Libreville will have its emblematic tree, a formidable image of life, nature, and sustainability…